Autumn Messerly's comments

Shadow's just walkin and Sonic's like, " AHHH! Who is this guy?!"
Published on January 7, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

Or, "AHHH! A faker who looks just like me! Holy Chaos! Who in the name of Mobius is that?!"
Published on January 7, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

Dang. Talk about hot-headed. Really talk about bonehead.
Published on January 7, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

RIP Chester Bennington. May you find peace in heaven and be cured of your depression. You were really great.
Published on January 7, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

RIP gorgeous and helpful girl. RIP to the 30 people who died.
Published on January 7, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by corchedWingedDragon.

Wow. Shadow is really sad about Maria's death. I can relate to that. When my one family member died, I wanted to avenge them like Shadow wanted to do with Maria. except my family member died from sickness. I blamed myself like how Shadow blames himself fo
Published on January 11, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

It's like, when Shadow stops Space Colony ARK he sees Maria as he blacks out. He drifts off into space and just before he blacks out he sees Maria, holding him.
Published on January 11, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

I absolutely love this. She's a marvel, but she sank. TITANIC wouldn't have sunk if she hit the iceberg head on in a head collision. The bow would have been damaged but she could have made it.
Published on January 14, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

Cute. It looks like Maria is either asleep or dead in space and Shadow is next to her. They did have a brother-sister relationship. I have a feeling that they had secret crushes on each other. After all, Maria lost her life saving Shadow. I guess that's w
Published on January 14, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by linkinparkfan22.

Is it me or does Silver look like he's in pain. here's some suggestions: 1: Silver got amnesia and got a painful memory. 2: silver got a vision of the future. 3: Silver got knocked out and tries to remember what happened and his head hurts. 4: Silver's he
Published on January 14, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by linkinparkfan22.

Imagine waking up and seeing that face. I'd scream to death. It looks like he's dying or had already died. Patrick I mean.
Published on January 20, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by .

This picture is so cute.
Published on January 27, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by kirishimalynx.

Is Mephiles smiling or no? I can't really tell.
Published on March 16, 2021 on
a wallpaper uploaded by caveman.

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